This might be a tough one for some of us to swallow or believe. Since most people believe if they want something, success, rewards, dreams, and fulfillment they don't have to wait or can't have it without going through so much difficulties, challenges, and pain to get it!
Yes, on one level we do need to experience and BE present to whatever it is we want to have and there are what appears, mostly by others, to be tons of challenges, difficulties and obstacles that you may have to go through in order to get it, achieve it...However, there is another way of looking at it, another way of being, knowing...that is also truth and the secret to your long term, lifetime success in everything you do and choose to be.
It's called the way of patience and perseverance that when truly embraced does and will conquer and smooth all the rough spots and obstacles that everyone else who does not have that skill will fail, be discouraged, and will give up before seeing their results, fruit, and the full realization of their goals, dreams, plans and vision!! This is intense right, but think about it, how many people just give up on their dreams before it was a success? According to the latest or at least most common study, 9 out of 10 businesses fail within 3 years, and why, for whatever good reasons, and they are all good reasons, they gave up, threw in the towel and called it quits. Bottom-line, they didn't have the patience and perseverance to stay in the game and chose to allow all the difficulties, challenges, obstacles to stop them from being the success they could of, would of, should of been whether consciously or not!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's easy running a business, going after your dreams, while paying the bills, supporting a family etc...It's really tough, especially if you only focus on the short term or what's in front of you and not the long term, BIG picture, Lifetime journey/Plan. Not the day by day to barely getting by plan, I'm taking about the BIG Plan, the ones that dreams are made of and the ones that no matter what happens to you in life, like if you die, you would be okay with it because at least you died going after your dreams, goals, plans and can feel completely at peace knowing that you did whatever you could to go after it based on who YOU truly ARE and CHOOSE TO BE! Wow, that was a mouth full, right?
It's getting kinda late for me, I had 4 cups of premium high grade Dragon Well loose leaf green tea, the good and strong stuff, so hopefully I'm still making sense...Anyways, try to follow me again here. : ) So most people fail because they give up, get tired, fed up, or can't handle it any longer. Basically, their attitude is one of despair, hopelessness, sadness, depression, etc...let's just call it all really BAD feelings shall we.
So the people who do succeed, well chances are they are the opposite, positive, feel good, focused, hopeful, faithful, believe, and not at the point ever where they give up unless it's for God, Universe truly leading them of course(but we'll get to that at another blog topic ; ) The people who fail and give up, don't believe they have anyone else they can lean on or can rely on that can help them get them through it all, and ultimately get into feeling so bad and hopeless about their situation that they have no other option but to quit, give up, and maybe start something new. This maybe a good thing for them and maybe what they need to do, but not for the person that wants to succeed and see their seeds sown, their goals, dreams, plans and vision that have been planted for probably a long time, mature, rip, and bear fruit!
Okay, so what does it take again? Patience and preserving which is being in a state of peace, calm, hopefulness, faith; having an attitude of gratitude, and thus, the magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanishes, is because you choose to keep you attitude in check, maintain that positive, hopeful, faithful outlook always, and be in that good feeling place that no matter what happens you remain there and are unaffected by the waves that are sure to come crashing, washing all other non believers and unrealized, and unfulfilled people away.
Thank you all for reading and entertaining my thoughts on this quote...
In Love, Light, & Luxury,
James Pham : )