Seriously, this has to be one of the most powerful thought and idea I've heard in so long, if only we can all live by it. We as individuals, community, nation would be so much better off if we stop regretting, living in, and worried about what happened in the past, that we lose sight and precious time in actually creating, working and building a new future for ourselves and those we love in our lives. Yes it's important to take time to reflect and learn from our past experiences whether good or bad, but to allow it to stop or be afraid of living our lives, going after our dreams and building a new future is just no good.
No matter where we are, what we did in the past, and the consequences that follows because of our past actions, it doesn't matter. We can start today, right now to begin choosing, thinking, being and building the person, the family, business, life we want to fully realize and have in the future, today!! It's never too late to work right now on ourselves and our future, if we are alive, can breathe and have a will, then we can always take that next step no matter what our current circumstances, reality, or where we want to be. That's our gift, the gift of Life, the gift of Creation, the gift from God to us forever to choose and have.
But what about people who's done really bad things or experience alot of bad things, like huge failures, losses, sins, crimes, etc... you might ask? Well, nothing, they have the same choices like choose each day today what to do to create and build the life they choose. What if they are in prison serving their time or stuck in a property they can't sell due to the bad real estate market? How can they start building a new future, right?
Well, yeah, they had it tough in the past and probably in the present, but we're talking about the future, and the future is created by those who do whatever it takes today, whether it be changing their attitudes, mindset, thought, word, and deeds to be in alignment with who they wish to be and where they want to go in the future. This is their choice as well as ours. Doesn't mean they are going to be free from their past karma/consequences, i.e. free from jail or their responsibilities as the property owner. But they are free to work on their minds, consciousness, reality within themselves until they eventually manifest that reality on the outside eventually with patience and perserverance (see my previous blog for details on this)!
Okay, enough, I think you get the point and hopefully believe that "You cannot undo what you did in the past, but who said you cannot start building a new future", right? ; )
In Love, Light, & Luxury,
James Pham : )