Thursday, October 21, 2010

‎"You cannot undo what you did in the past, but who said you cannot start building a new future?" ~ Unknown

Seriously, this has to be one of the most powerful thought and idea I've heard in so long, if only we can all live by it.  We as individuals, community, nation would be so much better off if we stop regretting, living in, and worried about what happened in the past, that we lose sight and precious time in actually creating, working and building a new future for ourselves and those we love in our lives.  Yes it's important to take time to reflect and learn from our past experiences whether good or bad, but to allow it to stop or be afraid of living our lives, going after our dreams and building a new future is just no good.

No matter where we are, what we did in the past, and the consequences that follows because of our past actions, it doesn't matter.  We can start today, right now to begin choosing, thinking, being and building the person, the family, business, life we want to fully realize and have in the future, today!!  It's never too late to work right now on ourselves and our future, if we are alive, can breathe and have a will, then we can always take that next step no matter what our current circumstances, reality, or where we want to be.  That's our gift, the gift of Life, the gift of Creation, the gift from God to us forever to choose and have.

But what about people who's done really bad things or experience alot of bad things, like huge failures, losses, sins, crimes, etc... you might ask?  Well, nothing, they have the same choices like choose each day today what to do to create and build the life they choose.  What if they are in prison serving their time or stuck in a property they can't sell due to the bad real estate market? How can they start building a new future, right? 

Well, yeah, they had it tough in the past and probably in the present, but we're talking about the future, and the future is created by those who do whatever it takes today, whether it be changing their attitudes, mindset, thought, word, and deeds to be in alignment with who they wish to be and where they want to go in the future.  This is their choice as well as ours.  Doesn't mean they are going to be free from their past karma/consequences, i.e. free from jail or their responsibilities as the property owner.  But they are free to work on their minds, consciousness, reality within themselves until they eventually manifest that reality on the outside eventually with patience and perserverance (see my previous blog for details on this)!

Okay, enough, I think you get the point and hopefully believe that ‎"You cannot undo what you did in the past, but who said you cannot start building a new future", right? ; )

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham : )

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. ~ John Quincy Adams

This might be a tough one for some of us to swallow or believe.  Since most people believe if they want something, success, rewards, dreams, and fulfillment they don't have to wait or can't have it without going through so much difficulties, challenges, and pain to get it!

 Yes, on one level we do need to experience and BE present to whatever it is we want to have and there are what appears, mostly by others, to be tons of challenges, difficulties and obstacles that you may have to go through in order to get it, achieve it...However, there is another way of looking at it, another way of being, knowing...that is also truth and the secret to your long term, lifetime success in everything you do and choose to be.

It's called the way of patience and perseverance that when truly embraced does and will conquer and smooth all the rough spots and obstacles that everyone else who does not have that skill will fail, be discouraged, and will give up before seeing their results, fruit, and the full realization of their goals, dreams, plans and vision!!  This is intense right, but think about it, how many people just give up on their dreams before it was a success?  According to the latest or at least most common study, 9 out of 10 businesses fail within 3 years, and why, for whatever good reasons, and they are all good reasons, they gave up, threw in the towel and called it quits.  Bottom-line, they didn't have the patience and perseverance to stay in the game and chose to allow all the difficulties, challenges, obstacles to stop them from being the success they could  of, would of, should of been whether consciously or not!

 Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's easy running a business, going after your dreams,  while paying the bills, supporting a family etc...It's really tough, especially if you only focus on the short term or what's in front of you and not the long term, BIG picture, Lifetime journey/Plan.  Not the day by day to barely getting by plan, I'm taking about the BIG Plan, the ones that dreams are made of and the ones that no matter what happens to you in life, like if you die, you would be okay with it because at least you died going after your dreams, goals, plans and can feel completely at peace knowing that you did whatever you could to go after it based on who YOU truly ARE and CHOOSE TO BE!  Wow, that was a mouth full, right?

It's getting kinda late for me, I had 4 cups of premium high grade Dragon Well loose leaf green tea, the good and strong stuff, so hopefully I'm still making sense...Anyways, try to follow me again here. : )  So most people fail because they give up, get tired, fed up, or can't handle it any longer.  Basically, their attitude is one of despair, hopelessness, sadness, depression, etc...let's just call it all really BAD feelings shall we.

So the people who do succeed, well chances are they are the opposite, positive, feel good, focused, hopeful, faithful, believe, and not at the point ever where they give up unless it's for God, Universe truly leading them of course(but we'll get to that at another blog topic ; )  The people who fail and give up, don't believe they have anyone else they can lean on or can rely on that can help them get them through it all, and ultimately get into feeling so bad and hopeless about their situation that they have no other option but to quit, give up, and maybe start something new.  This maybe a good thing for them and maybe what they need to do, but not for the person that wants to succeed and see their seeds sown, their goals, dreams, plans and vision that have been planted for probably a long time, mature, rip, and bear fruit!

Okay, so what does it take again?  Patience and preserving which is being in a state of peace, calm, hopefulness, faith; having an attitude of gratitude,  and thus, the magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanishes, is because you choose to keep you attitude in check, maintain that positive, hopeful, faithful outlook always, and be in that good feeling place that no matter what happens you remain there and are unaffected by the waves that are sure to come crashing, washing all other non believers and unrealized, and unfulfilled people away.

Thank you all for reading and entertaining my thoughts on this quote...

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham : )

Friday, October 15, 2010

Quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you. ~Rumi :)

I LOVE this quote cause it really helps remind me that we are all surrounded by blessings, good deeds, opportunities and abundance being planted all around us waiting to blossom, unfold, discovered and recognized by you!

Many times I get sad thinking about all the problems either I have or more importantly all the problems my family, friends, businesses and world have around me.  It's natural and very compassionate thing to do, but if I get caught up in it and let it effect my mood, attitude and way of being then I'm screwed.  Another words, getting sad over the problems doesn't really make me happy, feeling good or be all the things I want or have to be for myself and others.  

It's okay to sympathize and feel compassionate for others and what's happening around us, but it's better to look around, see, hear and experience all the goodness in our lives, our children, family, friends, health, home, work, businesses. Even better to experience the everyday things in our lives, like sunsets, long walks, smiles, laughter, joy, facebooking ;-), the little things that add up to be great things....You know what I mean, count your blessings, look around, and you will see what I'm talking about.

It's easy to get caught up in our problems, issues, frustrations, seriousness, making a living, making a life, and losing our perspective.  But take time everyday to give thanks and look around you right now at your life and make a choice to see and hear all the good, gifts, and blessings dropping their blossoms around you, and watch how your life goes from sad to happiness, problems to opportunities, mundane to  amazing, fortunate and down right GREAT in no time at all!!

Thank you my family, friends and supporters for listening and thank you so much for being a part of my everyday blessings as well...

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham : )


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

‎"In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?" – Siddhārtha Gautama

How well did you love yourself, your family, friends, partners, communities, world?  How full did you live your life, your dreams, your Vision of your world, your reality no matter what the circumstances?  How deeply did you let go of your pain, your suffering, those who hurt you, those you hurt, your mistakes, failures, all the money and fortunes you gain or lost?

In the end these things matter most. But until we get there, what are you doing now, today, in these circumstances, current condition,  marketplace, economy, and reality to make those things important and a top priority in your life?  Are you stuck in a job, in your routines, in a rut to realize what is important, to realize how precious life is now, and how no one really knows when their end will be.  So why put it off, why procrastinate, why live your life as if your end will not come because it will, and when it does, will you be prepared, will you have spent your life on what matters most or not?

Am I asking too many questions, is this too confusing, are you unclear with the answers? Then I suggest you take time to meditate, have some tea, and gain the clarity you need to really focus and know who you are and choose to be in this life.  That's what I did tonight, had some tea, meditated via cyberspace with a friend (although alone is great as well) and the answers for me to all those questions came.  Meditation help me to get off the wheel, you know the wheel of your life that goes around and around, aka the trend mill, stop the distractions, and released me from the cares and burdens of my world. It awaken in me my deeper, more profound and Truer Nature, and allowed me to be free.  In this space, the answers came, clarity realized, and awareness of the purpose and truth about my Self and what is important to me manifested.

Now it's your turn, take the time now while you still have it to find your clarity, peace, freedom, and begin living your life based on the things in the end that matter most...You will never regret it!!

In Love, LIght, and Luxury,

James Pham : )

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu

Well this right here just about sums it all up for me, the way of life, secret of success and the ability to do anything in life, business, real estate, you name it without fear or failure.  When we feel and are loved (which is always by the way), we have the strength to go out there and within us to stand up and conquer any obstacle, threat, challenge or fear that gets in our way.

Knowing that we are always loved allows us to keep on fighting and not fear rejection or failure because there will always be someone who accepts us and never rejects us no matter what happens.  This may sound like I'm talking about Jesus, and maybe I am, but I really mean just the love we receive from anyone in our lives (i.e. our children, spouses, family, friends, customers, supporters, partners, communities, etc...)  It's always out there to receive if you're open and willing, so let that be your strength, knowing that it is always there, then go and conquer your world!!  But wait, the quote mentioned something about courage as well!?

 Oh yes, strength allows us to stand up no matter what our challenges, but loving someone deeply gives us the courage to go into battle and actually get what we want.  When we love someone we are willing to do, for lack of a better word, crazy things! : D Well, it's not really crazy, maybe to others, but our loving someone allows us to do more for others and not just think or focus on ourselves, in order to expand our lives and be more successful.  You see people who don't love others deeply only think about themselves so don't usually have the courage to take risks because it's always about just keeping themselves alive, secure and safe.  Get it?  Nothing wrong with that, I don't think...

However, people who love others deeply and not just themselves, are willing to do what others are afraid to do because it may seem like too much risks or danger for what they can handle personally.  They fail to act, get ahead, and  become a Bigger Person and better off.  Courage when loving someone deeply allows us to grow, expand, develop and especially be more successful at who we ultimately ARE and can potentially Become.  It's easy to play it safe, not act, and be selfish, it's far harder and riskier to love and lose yourself in others.  But the real secret is that when you do love deeply, you lose yourself, only to discover yourself to be an even greater, more fulfilled, happier, wiser, powerful, rich, free, secure and successful person you ARE meant to Be, and not that small self that clings to security, afraid to risks, take chances and exists only to survive, get by for another day to day.

So go out there and LOVE someone deeply, if you don't have anyone...anyone will do, for now. ;-) Because this will give you the courage to go out there and do what you have to do, to be all that you can be, and that is the better person that you are.  You will feel unstoppable in the face of your challenges, especially when it is coupled with the knowledge and experience that you are being deeply loved as well...

In Love, Light & Luxury,

James Pham

Monday, October 11, 2010

“Love isn't finding someone you can live with; it's finding someone you can't live without” ~ Unknown

This at first may seem like a very romantic, ideal, and limiting statement and it is, but to me this means so much more.  When I first read this quote, I too thought it probably meant to find that one person in your life, you know a spouse, significant other, soul mate you can't live without, right!?  And It does mean that on one level, but to me again, that is a very limited, narrow and to be honest, frightening at times way of looking at it! : D  

I mean don't get me wrong, I love my significant other/wife and would die for her and probably can't live without her I don't think!? : )  But on a much deeper, broader, greater sense, this quote to me doesn't just include your spouse, significant other, partner, etc... it includes all the people in your life, including your children, family, friends, partners, and world that you can't live without either.  Not that I mean you would actually kill yourself if they weren't around, but meaning they compose the fabric of your existence, your world revolves around them, without which you could not live.  Another words, can't live without!

We all can tolerate and live with many things and other people in our lives, for example, we live with the people who share the same commutes as us, we live with all the other customers who eat, shop, and do business with us, we live with the world when we watch the news or connect with others on any other level in our lives all the time...but the love ones in our lives, our children, family, friends, supporters that we also live with either day by day or not, we can't live w/out because w/out them our lives will be meaningless, lost, and a life probably not worth living.    

Well anyways, that's what I think and get when I read this quote...what about you, what do you think? 

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham : )

Friday, October 8, 2010

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill

So which one do you focus on more, making a living or making a life!?  Of course, the obvious or best answer would be BOTH equally!  But unfortunately for many of us, we end up focusing, spending and consumed by working for money to make a living that our Life seems very insignificant in comparison.

There's really no judgment here, since both are important, both are essential, but personally I rather have a Life than simply make a living, so that's what I do.  I give to my children, my family, friends, businesses, and communities constantly.  I give them my love, support, care, and respect, I give them what they would call work but not just for the money that would be making a living ; ) but for the Life it creates for myself and all those around me.  I do make a good living and do live off my making a living, but I choose to focus primarily on creating my Life, a life worth living, and from there I get all I need to make my living.

Most people, however, do the opposite, whether they are aware of it or not.  They constantly work, work, work to make a living, to pay their bills, to keep food on the table, but at the end of the day, find themselves too tired or worn out to have a Life, not a work life, a Life beyond work, beyond making money, beyond making a living.  No they work so hard for money they forget about making a Life for themselves, a life full of love, joy, happiness, freedom, security, abundance and fulfillment, a Life far worth living by giving than by simply getting and making a living.

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham : )

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" ~ Gloria Steinem

At first I hesitated to post this quote because maybe it would be a little too much to hear. But then I thought, that's exactly the point, the truth is hard to hear or read about most of the time.

This is a particularly tough one to swallow for us Dreamers whose reality are beyond the current day to day reality we are force to deal with.  It's not rocket science, but let me explain. There is day to day reality which is the truth to many and there is the Dreamers' reality which is the truth to mostly themselves and hardly anyone else, at least for today.

Nevertheless, fellow Dreamers don't be discouraged because the truth about our current realities will set us free to do and figure out exactly what we need to do NOW, in order to ultimately manifest and make our reality the reality all around us.  This discrepancy between the realities will piss us off, but more importantly, it will motivate and empower us to work harder, smarter, and better at living and manifesting our dreams which is the ultimate reality, if we never give up! ;-)

At least this is true and what motivates me.  When someone says how bad things are with the economy, marketplace, real estate, it gets me upset then it gets me really focused on what I can and need to do to make it better for myself and others. And when this hard truth is personally served to me,  for example,  if a close family member tells me I'm not making enough money or how come I don't have a regular 9-5 job, that gets me really upset, but it is the truth about my current reality.

Fortunately, by confronting and dealing with this reality, I get to go deeper into why I do the things I do, who I really Am and Choose To Be.  Also this challenges me to clarify and recommit to my goals, plans, and priorities, and gets me more serious about my life and the purpose of it.  It allows me to become smarter, wiser, more aware about what needs to be done so that I am more happy, fun, fulfilled, rich, free, secure, loving, light filled, and luxurious in everything I do every single day.

By seeing and hearing about the truth, it doesn't discourage us, it sets us free to be the Dreamers we ARE who WILL get pissed by the current realities, but takes that emotion to propel forward to do what is right and necessary to manifest and make our dreams not only a reality for ourselves but for all those around.

In Love, Light, and Luxury,

James Pham : )

Introducing EnlighTea Cafe's Loose Leaf Premium Tea Collection, Fall, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. ~ Douglas Adams

I think this may be a hard one for many of us to deal with, especially the Alpha types, especially myself.  We like to believe that once we intend on doing something, that intention will turn into getting it done, if not then wasn't it a waste of time?  As achievers/over achievers, we love to set goals, meet deadlines, have a plan, implement and complete it successfully, meaning do whatever it takes to get it done.  This can be a very successful way of being, but it is often a very stressful, unintentionally painful, and costly way of being.  Meaning what you sacrifice in return could be far greater then what you gain in return because what we sacrifice is what we need in our lives, to live, be happy, survive long term, and be overall, more successful, productive, joyful and abundant for the rest of our lives.

For example, I didn't intend to have 2 children, but having 2 children ended up being the best thing that ever happen in my life.  I didn't intend to leave NYC after living there for 16 years very comfortably and securely, but moving to San Diego, CA is probably one of the best decisions for my life, children, family and businesses.  And for many of us, we didn't intend for the economy, businesses, the market place to be in a recession, and be so bad, but whether you see it now or later, this period may be one of the best periods of your life.  If not in wealth, in experience, knowledge, perhaps a life you never intended, but that you enjoy more, makes you happier, feel better about, and mean more to you now then ever before.  A place where you didn't intend to be, but instead, you ended up where you needed to be...

In Love, Light, & Luxury,

James Pham
EnlighTea Cafe : )