We all have walls we build for ourselves called our identity, ego, self image, reputation, persona etc...but those walls become prison walls trapping the real YOU inside if you do not build bridges to let yourself out, and more importantly, let others in...
So many of my family and friends live lives of pain, and suffering, tolerating their lives and enduring the pain every day because they spend all their time building up that wall and not sparing anytime or neglecting time to build what is equally if not more important, their bridges.
What builds our bridges is the love we share with those around us, the love we receive, the love in our hearts and in our actions towards others continuously and unconditionally. It is the love we feel towards our children, family, friends, communities, and the world we live in. Every time we love someone, we build and strengthen the bridge from our wall to theirs. The more we build our bridge and send out our love unconditionally, the more those bridges will strengthen, and the more the love will come back.
Connecting deeply with others, being a friend, caring for a child, living and loving your life daily, are all ways we build the bridge that will set us free, free from the walls that keep us inside, trapped, feeling all the unnecessary pain, that by loving and feeling the love, takes away.
So if you're feeling lonely, stop focusing on your Wall, your self, your problems, your pains, your mistakes, and simply put, You. Focus on building your bridge by loving and accepting yourself, then your children, your family, friends, all the people in your life, your partners, your neighbors, and your world daily, and keep in mind that the greater your wall, the greater your bridge will need to be.
So start today by taking the time to send out some love, even if it's just a word, nice thought, friendly gesture, a positive quote, feedback, or comment, on Facebook, via email, twitter, phone, in person, in every form, in every way, and ideally in everything you say and do. Because in love as in life, every thing counts, and is never a waste of time.
So let me start by saying I love you my family, my friends, supporters, and readers, not because you are reading my blog, but I love you because you are my bridge, without you my life would be lonely, and would cease to exist. Thank you deeply with all my heart for being in my life, circle, world, today, tomorrow, and hopefully, always...
In Love, Light, and Luxury,
James Pham
EnlighTea Cafe Publish Post