So are you happy? But the real question is do you truly desire, want and more importantly, choose to be happy? Most people don't. They think that if they automatically respond to others in a happy way they are happy; and although a little bit of happiness does come from this, long term long lasting happiness always comes from making a conscious choice every single day or at least, constantly and consistently in our lives...this is the only security to being and having a truly happy life.
The other way always depends and changes like the tide upon current circumstances, other people, places and things, always outside of ourselves, out of our control. Consciously choosing to be happy puts all the control, power, and creation back into our own hands and allows us to BE it always through the ups and downs, good times and bad times, till death do you part. Sounds like marriage right? Well, exactly, marriage is the same way, a conscious choice and commitment to being together ideally to the end as well. So what's the point, I guess the point is stop relying on others for your happiness, and start relying on yourself to get it, have it, choose it for you, today, tomorrow, always, then watch and see how much more greater your life turns out to be!
I'm recommitting and consciously choosing to BE HAPPY right now for me. How about you, what do you choose? If you're serious, leave me a comment of your personal declaration to consciously choose to be happy today! Oh, and BTW, our choice to be personally happy will not only benefit you, but everyone else in your life as well. But don't worry about everybody else right now, worry about you and make it your conscious choice to be happy today!
In Love, Light, and Luxury,
James Pham : )