Another words, when two people are butting heads, or in some cases, like my mother in law and I, banging heads because we both want it our way because obviously our way is better than the other person's way. Then be expected to turn around and hold hands, or smile and feel love for each other, can be a bit much, to say the least!
But this we must do, because being in the Relationship is in most cases not a choice and really no matter where we go, who we are, and whether we like it or not, we are all in relationships with every other human being on this planet. So the question is can you pass the Ultimate Test? When your significant other say he or she will never agree to that which is so precious and valuable to you.
For example, you love your freedom, he or she does not. Can you still hold hands, love them for what they believe, and accept them for who they are? How about when he or she say they would die before they let you xxxx fill in the blank. It could be anything like have you take dance lessons, goto church every Sunday, yoga, etc when they know it's something you love to do and would love to share it with them, but they still refuse and disagree with you that it's good for them. Will you still love them, hold their hands, and be there for them when they want or need you!?
So if you are feeling your relationships are getting stale, too complacent, boring or not challenging enough, give yourself the ultimate test, and DISAGREE and let your FREEDOM of thought, choice, and words express themselves to those you are in a relationship with and make sure to HOLD THEIR HANDS tight and lovingly, so that they don't want to let go...
Better yet, wait until they DISAGREE with your most precious thoughts and ideas, then be the better person for it by HOLDING THEIR HANDS despite your DISAGREEMENT and LOVE them anyways, because no matter who you are, what you do, and whether you like it or not, you are in a relationship with them and in most cases will always be in some kind of relationship with them for as long as you are both alive, so enjoy, accept, and get use to it now!!
In Love, Light, and Luxury,
James Pham : )
EnlighTea Cafe