Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" ~ Gloria Steinem

At first I hesitated to post this quote because maybe it would be a little too much to hear. But then I thought, that's exactly the point, the truth is hard to hear or read about most of the time.

This is a particularly tough one to swallow for us Dreamers whose reality are beyond the current day to day reality we are force to deal with.  It's not rocket science, but let me explain. There is day to day reality which is the truth to many and there is the Dreamers' reality which is the truth to mostly themselves and hardly anyone else, at least for today.

Nevertheless, fellow Dreamers don't be discouraged because the truth about our current realities will set us free to do and figure out exactly what we need to do NOW, in order to ultimately manifest and make our reality the reality all around us.  This discrepancy between the realities will piss us off, but more importantly, it will motivate and empower us to work harder, smarter, and better at living and manifesting our dreams which is the ultimate reality, if we never give up! ;-)

At least this is true and what motivates me.  When someone says how bad things are with the economy, marketplace, real estate, it gets me upset then it gets me really focused on what I can and need to do to make it better for myself and others. And when this hard truth is personally served to me,  for example,  if a close family member tells me I'm not making enough money or how come I don't have a regular 9-5 job, that gets me really upset, but it is the truth about my current reality.

Fortunately, by confronting and dealing with this reality, I get to go deeper into why I do the things I do, who I really Am and Choose To Be.  Also this challenges me to clarify and recommit to my goals, plans, and priorities, and gets me more serious about my life and the purpose of it.  It allows me to become smarter, wiser, more aware about what needs to be done so that I am more happy, fun, fulfilled, rich, free, secure, loving, light filled, and luxurious in everything I do every single day.

By seeing and hearing about the truth, it doesn't discourage us, it sets us free to be the Dreamers we ARE who WILL get pissed by the current realities, but takes that emotion to propel forward to do what is right and necessary to manifest and make our dreams not only a reality for ourselves but for all those around.

In Love, Light, and Luxury,

James Pham : )


  1. Vicky Cummings: LOVE IT James! So true! It's crazy because when you get to the point that you are so over it all....and ready to give up...suddenly the strenght and force from within and those who love you the most...BOOM! The miracles start happening and people show up wanting to share and include you to their dream, vision, and it makes you have a synergy that KNOWS the best is yet to come!!! The vision is clearer, the dream seems more alive than ever and it was there always be needed the pain to get to the rainbow:) Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Timely message... my thoughts, exactly!! Love it!! :)

  3. Oh Elle, can a blog be any luckier to have you be a part of it!? Thank you so much again for your love and support! : )

  4. Vicky, Right on...and thanks for those words, I think many would benefit to read and believe that when you think your life is down, that's when you get your greatest breakthroughs!!! : )
