This is a great quote in theory but in reality, so few of us can truly master this. Why? Because we allow our past to ruin our lives, our futures, our ability to choose today who we can and do become tomorrow. I've touched on this topic in previous blogs but for me this is the corner stone and foundation to what we believe is the the American Dream. To BECOME whoever we set out to BE based on our freedom to choose in this country is what sets us apart from probably most of the world. Although, all individuals have that right whether or not the country/government allows them to or not! : )
We are such creatures of habit relying on our past to dictate our future, and although who you are today is based on who you were before. Who you are tomorrow is based on who you choose to be today. Does that make sense!? Of course it does, but it's just so much easier for most people to do the same old thing, be the same old person, and choose the same old things as before, when clearly they want and need to change! Not change themselves into someone they don't want to be, but the change that needs and must take place to truly BE who we choose, want, and need to be for ourselves and the world around us.
For example, let's say before you had kids, you were a young, carefree, always about me personality, who never liked children, in fact didn't even know why people had them...and I'm not talking about myself, although I do know someone close to me who was that way... : ) Then you had kids, well, sorry, but that type of person is not going to work with kids, and you know it. So everyday when you wake up and the kids are still in your life, you have to make that conscious choice every day to be a better, happier, more fun, loving, caring, selfless, and not just about you, personality you've chosen over and over again in the past. Otherwise, you suffer, your kids suffer, your family, friends, and everyone and everything around you does as well... ; )
You're life as you know it will not work with your new life today. Oh yes, you can cling on to your dear old life, but let me tell you, the sooner you let go and let God, oops I mean, you change your life based on your new choice, the better everyone will be and of course, the result will be a happier, more free, and everything you wanted, need to, and will be YOU. Remember choosing who you are today, doesn't mean choosing someone that you don't want to be, but it's choosing to BE a better, more improved, happier, hopefully more loving, caring, supportive, fun, rich, free, secure, and everything else you decide to choose to be today for you tomorrow!!! That's all.
In Love, Light, & Luxury,
James Pham
EnlighTea Cafe : )
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